Lorelei has been pitching for the Westminster Wildcats baseball team for the last four years. Lorelei's goal is to end the season with 162 strikeouts. She now has 149 strikeouts. How many more strikeouts does Lorelei need to reach her goal?

Lorelei needs 13 more strikeouts to reach her goal.

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To find out how many more strikeouts Lorelei needs to reach her goal, subtract the number of strikeouts she already has from her goal.

162 - 149 = 13

Lorelei needs 13 more strikeouts to reach her goal of 162 strikeouts.

To find out how many more strikeouts Lorelei needs to reach her goal of 162 strikeouts, we can calculate the difference between her current strikeouts and her goal strikeouts.

Current strikeouts: 149
Goal strikeouts: 162

To find the difference, subtract the current strikeouts from the goal strikeouts:

162 - 149 = 13

Therefore, Lorelei needs 13 more strikeouts to reach her goal of 162 strikeouts.