Bethany’s Bakery packs muffins in individually wrapped boxes. Each box is a cube, measuring 6 inches on each side. What is the volume of the box in cubic inches?

The volume of a cube is found by taking the side length and cubing it. Since each side of the box measures 6 inches, the volume of the box is 6 * 6 * 6 = <<6*6*6=216>>216 cubic inches. Answer: \boxed{216}.

A net of a rectangular prism is shown below. The surface area of each face is labeled.

12 m?
30 m2
12 m?'
40 m2
30 m2
Which values represent the dimensions, in meters, of the rectangular prism?

Based on the labeled surface areas, we can determine the dimensions of the rectangular prism as follows:

The surface area labeled "12 m?" represents the area of one of the rectangular faces. Since the area formula for a rectangle is length x width, and the area is labeled as 12 m?, we can conclude that one dimension of the rectangular face is 12 m.

The surface area labeled "30 m2" represents the area of another rectangular face. Again, using the formula for the area of a rectangle, we can determine that the other dimension of this rectangular face is 30 m2 / 12 m = 2.5 m.

The surface area labeled "12 m?'" represents the area of one of the remaining rectangular faces. Using the formula for the area of a rectangle, and given that the area is labeled as 12 m?', we can conclude that one dimension of this face is 12 m.

The surface area labeled "40 m2" represents the area of the bottom face of the rectangular prism. Again, using the formula for the area of a rectangle, we can determine that the remaining dimension of this face is 40 m2 / 12 m = 3.33 m (rounded to 2 decimal places).

The surface area labeled "30 m2" represents the area of one of the remaining rectangular faces. Using the formula for the area of a rectangle, we can determine that one dimension of this face is 30 m2 / 2.5 m = 12 m.

Finally, the surface area labeled "40 m2" represents the area of the remaining rectangular face. Using the formula for the area of a rectangle, we can determine that the remaining dimension of this face is 40 m2 / 3.33 m ≈ 12 m.

Therefore, the dimensions of the rectangular prism are as follows: length = 12 m, width = 2.5 m, and height = 3.33 m (rounded to 2 decimal places).

To find the volume of a cube, you need to know the length of one side of the cube and raise it to the power of 3 (cubed).

In this case, the length of one side of the cube is given as 6 inches.

So, to find the volume:

Volume = (Side Length)^3
Volume = 6^3
Volume = 6 * 6 * 6
Volume = 216 cubic inches

Therefore, the volume of the box is 216 cubic inches.