A third ant walks around the perimeter of another rectangular sheet of paper. The dimensions of this sheet of paper are given in decimal numbers expressed to the hundredth place, with the tenths and hundredths digits being non-zero. If the ant travels between 18 and 19 centimeters, what are the dimensions of the sheet of paper? Give one possibility.

please helpp

To find the dimensions of the rectangular sheet of paper, we need to consider the distance traveled by the ant around the perimeter.

Let's assume the length of the rectangle is L and the width is W.

The distance traveled by the ant around the perimeter of the rectangle is equal to the sum of all four sides.

So, the distance is given by 2L + 2W.

Since the distance is between 18 and 19 centimeters, we can set up the following inequality:

18 < 2L + 2W < 19.

Now, we need to consider the possible values for L and W. Since the dimensions are given in decimal numbers expressed to the hundredth place, we can assume that both L and W are non-zero decimals.

To find one possibility, we can start by considering the smallest values for L and W.

Let's assume L = 0.01 and W = 0.01.

Substituting these values into the formula, we get:

2(0.01) + 2(0.01) = 0.04.

Since the distance traveled is 0.04 centimeters, which is less than 18 centimeters, this possibility does not satisfy the given conditions.

Let's consider another possibility.

Assume L = 0.08 and W = 0.01.

Substituting these values into the formula, we get:

2(0.08) + 2(0.01) = 0.18.

Since the distance traveled is 0.18 centimeters, which is within the given range of 18-19 centimeters, this could be a possible solution.

Therefore, one possibility for the dimensions of the rectangular sheet of paper is 0.08 cm by 0.01 cm.