step 1; Build the volcano by shaping clay and mud with your hands.

physical or chemical change

This is a physical change.

Step 2: Place a container inside of the volcano that can hold reactants, such as baking soda.

physical or chemical change

This step does not involve any specific change. It is simply a preparation step to hold the reactants, so it is more of a physical change.

Step 3: Pour the baking soda into the container inside the volcano. No chemical reaction occurs.

physical or chemical change

This step is also a physical change.

Shaping clay and mud with your hands to build a volcano is a physical change. In this process, the substances (clay and mud) do not undergo any chemical reactions or form new substances. The particles of clay and mud are simply being reshaped and rearranged to take on the form of a volcano.

Based on the information provided, the process of building a volcano by shaping clay and mud with your hands would be a physical change.

A physical change refers to a change in the physical properties of a substance without changing its chemical composition. In this case, the clay and mud are being molded and shaped into the form of a volcano. The materials remain the same; only the shape and arrangement of the particles are altered. Therefore, the process is considered a physical change.

To determine whether a change is physical or chemical, you can consider if there is a change in the composition of the substances involved. If the chemical composition remains the same, it is a physical change. If new substances are formed with different chemical properties, then it is a chemical change.