Why is water considered the universal solvent?(1 point)


Water dissolves more substances than any other solvent.
Water dissolves more substances than any other solvent.

Water molecules are held together by covalent bonds.
Water molecules are held together by covalent bonds.

Water is a polar compound because its ends have opposite charges.
Water is a polar compound because its ends have opposite charges.

Water molecules are weakly bonded to other water molecules.
Water molecules are weakly bonded to other water molecules.

The correct response is: Water dissolves more substances than any other solvent.

Which phrase best defines a covalent bond?(1 point)


strong polar attraction
strong polar attraction

electrons shared between atoms
electrons shared between atoms

electrons transferred between atoms
electrons transferred between atoms

weak polar attraction

The correct response is: electrons shared between atoms.

Which description accurately represents a water molecule?(1 point)


strongly negative hydrogen poles, strongly positive oxygen pole
strongly negative hydrogen poles, strongly positive oxygen pole

slightly negative oxygen pole, slightly positive hydrogen poles
slightly negative oxygen pole, slightly positive hydrogen poles

slightly negative hydrogen poles, slightly positive oxygen pole
slightly negative hydrogen poles, slightly positive oxygen pole

strongly negative oxygen pole, strongly positive hydrogen poles

The correct response is: slightly negative oxygen pole, slightly positive hydrogen poles.

Why is water able to easily dissolve ionic compounds?(1 point)


The electron transfer in ionic compounds results in ions that are attracted to water’s poles.
The electron transfer in ionic compounds results in ions that are attracted to water’s poles.

The poles of water molecules share electrons with the ions in ionic compounds.
The poles of water molecules share electrons with the ions in ionic compounds.

The bonds between water molecules are easily broken by the strong ions of ionic compounds.
The bonds between water molecules are easily broken by the strong ions of ionic compounds.

The opposite charges of ionic compounds repel each other, so water molecules can separate the ions.

The correct response is: The electron transfer in ionic compounds results in ions that are attracted to water’s poles.

In the compound MgCl2, magnesium donates two electrons, one to each chlorine atom. Which type of compound is this, and is it likely to dissolve in a polar solvent?(1 point)


covalent, yes
covalent, yes

ionic, yes
ionic, yes

nonpolar, no
nonpolar, no

polar, no

The correct response is: ionic, yes.

The correct answer is: "Water dissolves more substances than any other solvent."


Water is considered the universal solvent because it has the ability to dissolve more substances than any other solvent. This is due to several key properties of water:

1. Polarity: Water is a polar molecule, meaning it has a slight positive charge at one end and a slight negative charge at the other end. This polarity allows water molecules to attract and interact with other charged or polar molecules, breaking them apart and surrounding them with water molecules in a process called hydration.

2. Versatile hydrogen bonding: Water molecules can form hydrogen bonds with other water molecules and with other polar or charged substances. These hydrogen bonds are relatively weak individually, but collectively they provide significant stability and bonding between water molecules and other substances. This allows water to dissolve a wide variety of compounds, including salts, sugars, acids, and many other molecules.

3. High dielectric constant: Water has a high dielectric constant, which means it can effectively separate and solvate charged particles or ions. This property makes water an excellent solvent for ionic compounds, as the ions are attracted to the water molecules, becoming surrounded by a hydration shell.

Overall, the combination of water's polarity, hydrogen bonding, and high dielectric constant makes it an excellent solvent for a wide range of substances, earning it the title of universal solvent.