The town of Oak Manor measures 3.8 miles by 4.2 miles. Solve for the total area.(1 point)


8 mi2
8 mi squared
15.96 mi2
15.96 mi squared
16 mi2
16 mi squared
15.96 mi

To solve for the total area, we multiply the length and width of the town.

Area = length x width
Area = 3.8 miles x 4.2 miles
Area = 15.96 square miles

So the correct answer is: 15.96 mi2.

To find the total area of Oak Manor, you need to multiply the length by the width. In this case, the length is 3.8 miles and the width is 4.2 miles.

So, the total area is calculated as:
Area = Length x Width
Area = 3.8 miles x 4.2 miles
Area = 15.96 square miles

Therefore, the total area of Oak Manor is 15.96 square miles.