answer the question below

(a) the perimeter of a rectangle parking lot is 374 m. If the width of the parking lot is 88m, what is the length?
length of the parking lot _m

(b) the area of a rectangular pool is 6768m^2. if the length of the pool is 94m, what is its width?
width of the pool _m

(a) To find the length of the rectangle parking lot, we can use the formula for the perimeter of a rectangle:

Perimeter = 2 * (Length + Width)

Given that the perimeter is 374m and the width is 88m, we can substitute these values into the equation and solve for the length:

374 = 2 * (Length + 88)

Divide both sides of the equation by 2:

374/2 = Length + 88

187 = Length + 88

Subtract 88 from both sides:

Length = 187 - 88

Length = 99m

So, the length of the parking lot is 99m.

(b) To find the width of the rectangular pool, we can use the formula for the area of a rectangle:

Area = Length * Width

Given that the area is 6768m^2 and the length is 94m, we can substitute these values into the equation and solve for the width:

6768 = 94 * Width

Divide both sides of the equation by 94:

6768/94 = Width

Width ≈ 72m (rounded to the nearest whole number)

So, the width of the pool is approximately 72m.

(a) To find the length of the rectangle parking lot, we need to use the formula for the perimeter of a rectangle, which is given by P = 2 * (length + width).

Given that the perimeter of the parking lot is 374 m and the width is 88 m, we can substitute these values into the equation:

374 = 2 * (length + 88)

Now, let's solve for the length:

374 = 2 * length + 2 * 88
374 = 2 * length + 176
2 * length = 374 - 176
2 * length = 198
length = 198 / 2
length = 99

Therefore, the length of the parking lot is 99 m.

(b) To find the width of the rectangular pool, we need to use the formula for the area of a rectangle, which is given by A = length * width.

Given that the area of the pool is 6768 m^2 and the length is 94 m, we can substitute these values into the equation:

6768 = 94 * width

Now, let's solve for the width:

width = 6768 / 94
width ≈ 72

Therefore, the width of the pool is approximately 72 m.