What causes the rock layers of mountains to form zigzag shape?(1 point)


folding of rock
folding of rock

a transform fault
a transform fault

a normal fault
a normal fault

continental plate uplift

a normal fault

Use this paragraph: Carlon is using two wooden blocks to model the movement of Earth’s plates. He pushes one block forward and the other block backward, rubbing their surfaces together.

Which Earth feature is he modeling?

(1 point)

rift valley
rift valley

thrust fault
thrust fault

strike-slip fault
strike-slip fault

normal fault
normal fault
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strike-slip fault

Use this paragraph: Layla drew a diagram of forces acting on the rock in Earth’s crust. She drew arrows pointing inwards, representing forces pressing on the rock.

Which formation is represented by the diagram?

(1 point)

a fold mountain
a fold mountain

a rift valley
a rift valley

a mid-ocean rift
a mid-ocean rift

a transform fault
a transform fault

a fold mountain

Which feature is created when a block of rock dropped down in relation to the block of rock beside it?(1 point)


reverse fault produced by compression
reverse fault produced by compression

thrust fault produced by compression
thrust fault produced by compression

transform fault produced by shear
transform fault produced by shear

normal fault produced by tension

normal fault produced by tension

Review Today you will review all of the topics you have learned about in this unit. Read through the following list. Make sure you feel confident about each topic before taking the unit test. If there are any topics you have forgotten or think you need to practice, go back and review those lessons now. creating subject-verb agreement when a prepositional phrase interrupts the subject and verb creating subject-verb agreement in sentences with inverted word order or when indefinite pronouns are used as subjects creating subject-verb agreement between verbs and collective nouns used as subjects form and use compound adjectives use adverbs that modify adjectives correcting shifts in pronoun number and person using the relative pronouns whose, who, and whom using the relative pronouns which and that form and use indirect/direct objects using a comma to separate coordinate adjectives using semicolons to join items in a series that already includes commas Reflect Write a reflection about your learning in this unit. Your reflection should be at least three sentences in length. Use the following sentence starters as a guide. If I am not sure whether to use a singular verb or a plural verb with a collective noun, I can . . . A strategy for identifying whether to use who, whom, or whose is . . . In order to figure out whether I need semicolons to separate items in a series, I can . . . In order to identify a compound adjective I can . . .

If I am not sure whether to use a singular verb or a plural verb with a collective noun, I can consider the context and the intended meaning. If the collective noun is referring to the group as a whole, I use a singular verb. If the focus is on the individual members of the group, I use a plural verb.

A strategy for identifying whether to use who, whom, or whose is to determine the function of the pronoun in the sentence. "Who" is used as the subject or a subject complement, "whom" is used as the object of a verb or preposition, and "whose" is used to show possession.

In order to figure out whether I need semicolons to separate items in a series, I can check if the items in the series already have commas within them. If the items already have commas, I can use semicolons to separate them.

In order to identify a compound adjective, I can look for two or more words that are used together to modify a noun. The words are usually hyphenated or written together without any punctuation between them.

and the review