which of the following statements best explains the importance of taxing by congress

The best statement that explains the importance of taxing by Congress is:

"Taxing by Congress is essential for generating revenue to fund government programs and services, maintain infrastructure, and provide for the welfare and security of citizens."

The importance of taxing by Congress can be best explained by the following statement:

Taxing by Congress is crucial for the government to generate revenue to fund public services and programs, such as healthcare, education, defense, infrastructure, social welfare, and more. It provides the necessary financial resources for the government to meet its responsibilities and obligations towards the citizens and the country as a whole. By levying taxes, Congress can regulate the economy, promote economic growth, and address income inequality by implementing progressive tax policies. Additionally, taxes can be used as a tool to encourage or discourage certain behaviors or industries, such as promoting renewable energy or discouraging harmful consumption. Moreover, taxes are an essential component of a democratic society, as they help maintain a social contract between citizens and the government by ensuring everyone contributes their fair share towards the shared societal benefits and responsibilities.