Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics.

The seashells were iridescent in the sunlight.(1 point)


drying out
drying out

breaking into pieces
breaking into pieces

shimmering with colors

shimmering with colors

Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics.

Mrs. Whitney did not look pleased with the present of mole entrails her cat left on the front step.(1 point)



inner organs
inner organs

balls of string

inner organs

Match each word to its appropriate definition.(5 points)

Put responses in the correct input to answer the question. Select a response, navigate to the desired input and insert the response. Responses can be selected and inserted using the space bar, enter key, left mouse button or touchpad. Responses can also be moved by dragging with a mouse.

insistent - demanding or persistent in a compelling way

menacing - suggesting the presence of danger; threatening
bleak - lacking vegetation and exposed to the elements; desolate
lithe - thin, supple, and graceful
prestigious - inspiring respect and admiration; having a high reputation

In "My Brother's Keeper," Ted and Jamie are developed in contrast to one another by describing their(1 point)


fears of the unknown.
fears of the unknown.

emotional reactions.
emotional reactions.

interactions with their parents.
interactions with their parents.

distrust of one another.

In "My Brother's Keeper," what does Ted want Jamie to do for him?(1 point)


give him an alibi in court.
give him an alibi in court.

forge some documents.
forge some documents.

borrow money from Uncle Harry.
borrow money from Uncle Harry.

go out with his old girlfriend.

give him an alibi in court.

The narrator of “The Scarlet Ibis” was uncomfortable about teaching Doodle to walk because(1 point)


he hurt him in the process.
he hurt him in the process.

he hadn't asked his parents' permission.
he hadn't asked his parents' permission.

he was embarrassed by Doodle's disability.
he was embarrassed by Doodle's disability.

he only did it because of a dare from his friends.

The scarlet ibis is a symbol for Doodle because(1 point)


it was afraid of human interaction.
it was afraid of human interaction.

it was hatched from a caul.
it was hatched from a caul.

it was unique and awkward.
it was unique and awkward.

it thrives only in the warm climate.