What is a similarity between different types of thematic maps, such as choropleth maps or proportional symbol maps?(1 point)


Thematic maps show additional information associated with particular political or physical locations.
Thematic maps show additional information associated with particular political or physical locations.

Thematic maps all show political boundaries, although they might display boundaries at different scales.
Thematic maps all show political boundaries, although they might display boundaries at different scales.

Thematic maps show connections between different political or physical locations.
Thematic maps show connections between different political or physical locations.

Thematic maps all show physical feature or natural processes.
Thematic maps all show physical feature or natural processes.

None of the responses provided are correct.

A similarity between different types of thematic maps is that they all use visual representation to display a specific theme or topic related to geographic data. These maps are designed to provide a visual understanding of the distribution, patterns, or relationships of the data being presented. A thematic map can be created using various techniques, such as choropleth maps or proportional symbol maps, but the underlying purpose is to visually communicate information about a particular theme or topic.

The similarity between different types of thematic maps, such as choropleth maps or proportional symbol maps, is that they all show additional information associated with particular political or physical locations.