Why does hot air rise from pavement on a hot summer day?(1 point)


Due to convection
Due to convection

Due to conduction
Due to conduction

Due to insulation
Due to insulation

Due to radiation

Due to radiation.

Are you sure?

I apologize for the confusion in my previous response. The correct answer is: Due to convection. When the sun heats up the pavement, the air in contact with the hot surface also gets heated. This causes the air molecules to move faster and spread out, becoming less dense. As a result, the hot air becomes lighter than the surrounding cooler air and starts to rise. This process is known as convection.

Are you sure gpt?

Yes, I am sure. Hot air rises from pavement on a hot summer day due to convection.

Which investigation shows the transfer of heat energy in the absence of matter?(1 point)


Using particle movement through a solid to investigate conduction
Using particle movement through a solid to investigate conduction

Using electromagnetic waves to investigate radiation
Using electromagnetic waves to investigate radiation

Using a current through fluid to investigate radiation
Using a current through fluid to investigate radiation

Using particles in space colliding to investigate conduction

Using electromagnetic waves to investigate radiation.

u sure?

I apologize for the previous incorrect response. The correct answer is: Using electromagnetic waves to investigate radiation. In the absence of matter, such as in space, heat can still be transferred through electromagnetic waves.

u sure this is correct?