How do u write 5 is to 1 as 20 is to 4 as a proportion in fractional notation

To write "5 is to 1 as 20 is to 4" as a proportion in fractional notation, we set up the ratio of the first pair and the ratio of the second pair:

5/1 = 20/4

To simplify this proportion, we can divide both the numerator and denominator of the second pair by their greatest common divisor, which is 4:

5/1 = (20/4) รท (4/4)
5/1 = 5/1

Therefore, 5 is to 1 as 20 is to 4 can be written as the proportion:

5/1 = 20/4

You fill up your car with 15 gallons of gas at a cost of 45 using fractional notation how do u write a proportion that shows how much 5 gallons of gas will cost use x to represent the unknown cost

To write a proportion that shows how much 5 gallons of gas will cost, we can set up the following proportion:

15 gallons / $45 = 5 gallons / x

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and then divide:

15x = 5 * $45
15x = $225

Finally, we divide both sides by 15 to isolate x:

x = $225 / 15

Simplifying further, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 15:

x = $15

Therefore, 5 gallons of gas will cost $15.

To write "5 is to 1 as 20 is to 4" as a proportion in fractional notation, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the first ratio as a fraction.
The first ratio is 5:1. This can be written as 5/1.

Step 2: Write down the second ratio as a fraction.
The second ratio is 20:4. This can be written as 20/4.

Step 3: Simplify both fractions, if possible.
In this case, both fractions can be simplified.
5/1 simplifies to 5.
20/4 simplifies to 5.

Step 4: Write the proportion using the simplified fractions.
The simplified fractions from step 3 can be written as a proportion.
So, 5:1 is equal to 20:4 can be written as:
5/1 = 20/4.

Thus, the proportion in fractional notation is 5/1 = 20/4.