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Use the drop-down menus to complete the sentence.

(1 point)
The official religion of the Persian Empire was , whose main belief is


8 of 20 8 of 20 Items

Use the drop-down menus to complete the sentence.

(1 point)
The official religion of the Persian Empire was , whose main belief is ___

Zoroastrianism, whose main belief is the worship of Ahura Mazda.

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.(1 point)

The Israelites consider Canaan to be the Promised Land because they believed that

God had promised it to them.


How did the Diaspora change the way Jews worshipped?

(1 point)

Jews traveled to Jerusalem to participate in festivals.
Jews traveled to Jerusalem to participate in festivals.

Jews adopted Greek and Roman methods of worship.
Jews adopted Greek and Roman methods of worship.

Rabbis became leaders of Jewish rituals.
Rabbis became leaders of Jewish rituals.

Synagogues became more important for worship.

Synagogues became more important for worship.

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.(1 point)

The term Mesopotamia refers to land between

the rivers.


Why did priests play an important role in Sumerian city-states?

(1 point)

Priests were at the top of the Sumerian social order.
Priests were at the top of the Sumerian social order.

Sumerians believed only priests could communicate with gods to help the city prosper.
Sumerians believed only priests could communicate with gods to help the city prosper.

Priests and temples controlled much of the surrounding farmlands.
Priests and temples controlled much of the surrounding farmlands.

Sumerians feared priests because they led rituals involving human sacrifice.