The weight of four objects are 3 1/5 pounds, 3 39/1000 pounds, 3 99/100 pounds, and 3 52/10 pounds. Arrange the weights in order from least to greatest.

To arrange the weights in order from least to greatest, we need to convert all the weights to the same denominator. Converting 3 1/5 to the same denominator as the other fractions, we have 3 200/1000. So, the weights are:

3 39/1000 pounds
3 52/10 pounds
3 200/1000 pounds
3 99/100 pounds

Now, we can convert these mixed numbers into improper fractions:

3 39/1000 = (3 * 1000 + 39)/1000 = 3039/1000
3 52/10 = (3 * 10 + 52)/10 = 82/10
3 200/1000 = (3 * 1000 + 200)/1000 = 3200/1000
3 99/100 = (3 * 100 + 99)/100 = 399/100

Therefore, the weights in order from least to greatest are:

3039/1000 pounds, 82/10 pounds, 3200/1000 pounds, 399/100 pounds.

To arrange the weights from least to greatest, we need to convert the fractions into decimals.

1. First, convert 1/5 to a decimal. Divide 1 by 5: 1 ÷ 5 = 0.2
So, 3 1/5 pounds is equal to 3.2 pounds.

2. Next, convert 39/1000 to a decimal. Divide 39 by 1000: 39 ÷ 1000 = 0.039
So, 3 39/1000 pounds is equal to 3.039 pounds.

3. Convert 99/100 to a decimal. Divide 99 by 100: 99 ÷ 100 = 0.99
So, 3 99/100 pounds is equal to 3.99 pounds.

4. Finally, convert 52/10 to a decimal. Divide 52 by 10: 52 ÷ 10 = 5.2
So, 3 52/10 pounds is equal to 3.52 pounds.

Now, let's arrange the weights in order from least to greatest:

3.039 pounds < 3.2 pounds < 3.52 pounds < 3.99 pounds

Therefore, the weights arranged from least to greatest are: 3.039 pounds, 3.2 pounds, 3.52 pounds, 3.99 pounds.