Without calculator which of the following quotes can be determine will be positive

Without a calculator, we can determine whether a quote will be positive or negative based on the rules of arithmetic.

If two positive numbers are multiplied or divided, the result will be positive. Therefore, any quote that involves multiplication or division of positive numbers will be positive.

On the other hand, if a positive number is added or subtracted to another positive number, the result will always be positive. Therefore, any quote that involves addition or subtraction of positive numbers will also be positive.

Using these rules, we can determine that the following quotes will be positive:

- "5 + 7"
- "9 - 3"
- "4 × 3"
- "8 ÷ 2"

All of these quotes involve only positive numbers and addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division, so their results will be positive.

To determine whether a number is positive or negative without using a calculator, you need to consider the following:

1. Any number greater than zero (0) is positive.
2. Any number less than zero (0) is negative.
3. Zero (0) itself is neither positive nor negative.

Therefore, if you are given a set of quotes with numbers, you can determine whether they are positive or negative by applying these rules.