What is 0.54 written as a fraction

0.54 written as a fraction is 27/50.

What is 0.825 written as a fraction

0.825 written as a fraction is 33/40.

What is 6.4 written as a fraction

6.4 written as a fraction is 6 and 2/5, or simply 32/5.

What is 0.5 written as a fraction

0.5 written as a fraction is 1/2.

Bridget is building a table with her mom as a weekend project. She needs 5.875 feet of wood. What is this amount as a fraction

To express 5.875 feet as a fraction, we can write it as \(\frac{5875}{1000}\) and simplify it by dividing both the numerator and denominator by the greatest common divisor, which is 125. This gives us \(\frac{47}{8}\).

Therefore, 5.875 feet can be written as \(\frac{47}{8}\) as a fraction.

What is 5.875 ft of wood as a fraction

To express 5.875 ft as a fraction, we can write it as the whole number part 5, plus the fractional part 0.875.

We can convert the decimal part 0.875 to a fraction by using the fact that the decimal part is the same as the numerator divided by its corresponding power of 10. In this case, the decimal part 0.875 is equivalent to \(\frac{875}{1000}\).

Simplifying \(\frac{875}{1000}\) by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 125, gives us \(\frac{7}{8}\).

Therefore, 5.875 ft of wood can be written as the mixed number 5 \(\frac{7}{8}\) or as the improper fraction \(\frac{47}{8}\).