Why is he quotient of -37.44 / -0.9?

To find the quotient of -37.44 divided by -0.9, you need to divide -37.44 by -0.9. Dividing a negative number by a negative number results in a positive number.

So, the quotient of -37.44 divided by -0.9 is 41.6.

Why is he question of -163.5 / 1.5?

To find the quotient of -163.5 divided by 1.5, you need to divide -163.5 by 1.5.

When you divide a negative number by a positive number, the quotient will be negative. Therefore, the quotient of -163.5 divided by 1.5 is -109.

Why is he question of 48.4 / -0.8

To find the quotient of -37.44 divided by -0.9, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide the absolute values of the numbers: 37.44 / 0.9.

Step 2: The absolute value of -37.44 is 37.44, and the absolute value of -0.9 is 0.9.

Step 3: Divide 37.44 by 0.9.

37.44 / 0.9 = 41.6

Step 4: Determine the sign of the quotient.

Since both the dividend and divisor are negative, the quotient will be positive.

Step 5: The quotient of -37.44 / -0.9 is 41.6.

To find the quotient of -37.44 divided by -0.9, you can use the division operation. The quotient is the result of dividing one number by another. In this case, you are dividing -37.44 by -0.9.

To perform the division, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the dividend (the number being divided) and the divisor (the number dividing the dividend).

Dividend: -37.44
Divisor: -0.9

Step 2: Perform the division.

To divide -37.44 by -0.9, you can divide the absolute values of the numbers and then assign a negative sign to the quotient since both dividend and divisor are negative.

|-37.44| / |-0.9| = 37.44 / 0.9

Step 3: Divide the absolute values.

37.44 / 0.9 ≈ 41.60

Step 4: Assign the negative sign to the quotient.

Since both dividend and divisor are negative, the quotient will be positive. Therefore, the quotient of -37.44 / -0.9 is approximately 41.60.

So, the quotient is 41.60.

By following these steps, you can calculate the quotient of -37.44 divided by -0.9.