Which investigation shows the transfer of heat energy in the absence of matter

One example of an investigation that shows the transfer of heat energy in the absence of matter is the study of radiation. Radiation is the transfer of heat energy through electromagnetic waves, such as visible light, infrared radiation, or radio waves. These waves can travel through empty space without the need for physical matter. An investigation into radiation can involve measuring the amount of heat energy transferred from a source to an object placed at a distance, without any physical contact or convection currents involved.

What’s the answer

The transfer of heat energy in the absence of matter is primarily demonstrated through radiation.

The investigation that shows the transfer of heat energy in the absence of matter is called radiation. Radiation is the transfer of heat energy in the form of electromagnetic waves. Unlike conduction and convection, which require a medium, radiation can occur through a vacuum or empty space. This is because electromagnetic waves do not require particles to travel through. Some common examples of radiation include heat from the sun reaching the Earth, infrared radiation emitted by a fire, or microwaves heating food in a microwave oven.