Expand the expression


To expand the expression 1/3(x+6), we can distribute the 1/3 to both terms inside the parentheses:

1/3(x+6) = 1/3*x + 1/3*6

Simplifying the expression:

1/3(x+6) = (1/3)*x + (1/3)*6

Further simplifying:

1/3(x+6) = x/3 + 6/3

The final expression is:

1/3(x+6) = x/3 + 2

To expand the expression 1/3(x + 6), you can distribute the 1/3 to both terms inside the parentheses.

1/3(x + 6) = 1/3 * x + 1/3 * 6

Simplifying further,

1/3(x + 6) = x/3 + 6/3

Since both terms have a common denominator, we can combine them:

1/3(x + 6) = (x + 6)/3

Therefore, the expanded expression is (x + 6)/3.