using a number line what whole number and ratinal number is closest to the square root of 70

To find the whole number and rational number closest to the square root of 70 using a number line, we first need to calculate an approximation of the square root of 70.

Using a calculator, the square root of 70 is approximately 8.366600267.

Now let's place this value on a number line:

-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

From the number line, the whole number closest to the square root of 70 is 8.

To find the closest rational number, we can approximate it by finding a fraction that is close to the decimal value of the square root of 70. We can use the continued fraction expansion method.

The continued fraction expansion of 8.366600267 is 8 + (1 / (4 + (1 / (2 + (1 / (1 + (1 / (1 + ...)))))))).

By truncating the expansion after a certain number of terms, we can find a fraction that is a good approximation of the square root of 70.

Using the first few terms of the continued fraction expansion, we have:

8 + (1 / (4 + (1 / 2))) = 8 + (1 / (4.5)) = 8 + (1 / 9/2) = 8 + 2/9 = 8 2/9.

Therefore, the rational number closest to the square root of 70 is 8 2/9.

find the whole number and rational number

From the previous calculation, we found that the whole number closest to the square root of 70 is 8.

To find the closest rational number, we can use an approximation method such as finding a fraction that is close to the decimal value of the square root of 70.

Using a calculator, the decimal value of the square root of 70 is approximately 8.366600267.

To find the rational number closest to this decimal value, we can use the continued fraction expansion method.

The continued fraction expansion of 8.366600267 is 8 + (1 / (4 + (1 / (2 + (1 / (1 + (1 / (1 + ...)))))))).

By truncating the expansion after a certain number of terms, we can find a fraction that is a good approximation of the square root of 70.

Using the first few terms of the continued fraction expansion, we have:

8 + (1 / (4 + (1 / 2))) = 8 + (1 / (4.5)) = 8 + (1 / 9/2) = 8 + 2/9 = 8 2/9.

Therefore, the rational number closest to the square root of 70 is 8 2/9.

this is incorect

Apologies for the incorrect response. Let's reevaluate the problem to find the correct whole number and rational number closest to the square root of 70.

To approximate the square root of 70, we can use a calculator or the long division method. By doing so, we find that the square root of 70 is approximately 8.366600267.

Now, let's place this value on a number line:

-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The closest whole number to the square root of 70 is 8.

To find the closest rational number, we can use the method of continued fractions.

By evaluating the continued fraction expansion of 8.366600267, we find:

8 + 1/(4 + 1/(2 + 1/(4 + 1/(1 + 1/1)))) = 8 + 1/(4 + 1/(2 + 1/(4 + 1/2))) = 8 + 1/(4 + 1/(2 + 1/(9/2))) = 8 + 1/(4 + 1/(9/2)) = 8 + 1/(4 + 2/9) = 8 + 1/(38/9) = 8 + 9/38 = 8 9/38.

Therefore, the rational number closest to the square root of 70 is 8 9/38.


Apologies for the confusion. Let's try finding the correct whole number and rational number closest to the square root of 70 again.

To approximate the square root of 70, we can use a calculator or estimation methods. The square root of 70 is approximately 8.366.

Now, let's place this value on a number line:

-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The closest whole number to the square root of 70 is 8.

To find the closest rational number, we can convert the decimal approximation to a fraction. In this case, we can use a fraction with a denominator of 1000 to get a good approximation.

8.366 ≈ 8366/1000

Now, let's simplify the fraction:

8366/1000 = 4183/500

Therefore, the rational number closest to the square root of 70 is 4183/500.

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To determine which whole number and rational number is closest to the square root of 70 using a number line, we can first find the approximate value of the square root of 70.

1. Start by finding the two perfect square numbers that 70 lies between. The perfect squares closest to 70 are 64 (8^2) and 81 (9^2).

2. Plot these two perfect squares on a number line, with 8 on the left and 9 on the right.


3. Divide the number line segment between 8 and 9 into equal parts. Each part represents a rational number.


4. Now, locate the position of 70 on the number line. It will fall somewhere between 8 and 9.


5. Determine which whole number and rational number is closest to 70.

69 70 71

From the number line, we can see that the whole number closest to the square root of 70 is 8, and the rational number closest to the square root of 70 is 8.4 (since it falls closer to 8 than to 9).