The decimal 0.013 can be written as

13 over 10000

13 over 100

13 over 1000

1.3 over 10

The decimal 0.013 can be written as 13 over 1000

Which fraction is equal to 0.75?

The fraction that is equal to 0.75 is 3/4.

Write 13 over 25 as a decimal.

To write 13 over 25 as a decimal, divide 13 by 25:

13 รท 25 = 0.52

Therefore, 13 over 25 can be written as the decimal 0.52.

Convert 5 18/25 to a decimal.


To determine the correct representation of the decimal 0.013, we can convert it into a fraction.

Step 1: Count the number of decimal places in the decimal, in this case, 0.013 has three decimal places.

Step 2: Write down the decimal as the numerator of the fraction, with no decimal point. In this case, the numerator is 13.

Step 3: Write down the denominator of the fraction as 1 followed by as many zeros as the number of decimal places. In this case, since there are three decimal places, the denominator is 1000.

Therefore, the correct representation of the decimal 0.013 as a fraction is 13/1000.

Among the options provided, the correct fraction representation would be 13 over 1000.