Does Larry Ellison have any children

Yes, Larry Ellison has two children. His daughter, Megan Ellison, is a film producer and founder of Annapurna Pictures. His son, David Ellison, is a film producer and the founder of Skydance Media.

What is their networths and how old are they

As of 2021, Megan Ellison's estimated net worth is around $2.5 billion, and she was born on January 31, 1986, making her 35 years old. David Ellison's estimated net worth is around $2 billion, and he was born on January 9, 1983, making him 38 years old. It's important to note that net worth can fluctuate over time based on various factors.

Do they have any kids

As of my knowledge, there is no public information available about whether Megan Ellison or David Ellison have any children. Their personal lives are generally kept private, and any information about their family or children is not readily disclosed.

Yes, Larry Ellison, the co-founder and chairman of Oracle Corporation, has two children. His daughter's name is Megan Ellison, and she is a film producer and founder of Annapurna Pictures. His son's name is David Ellison, and he is a film producer and CEO of Skydance Media.

Yes, Larry Ellison, the co-founder and former CEO of Oracle Corporation, has two children. Their names are David Ellison and Megan Ellison. To find this information, you can use various methods:

1. Internet Search: Use a search engine like Google and search for "Larry Ellison children." The search engine will display multiple reliable sources that provide information about his children.

2. Biographies or Profiles: Look for biographies or profiles about Larry Ellison. These may be available in books, articles, or on websites that provide detailed information about his personal life, including his children.

3. Company Information: Oracle, the company co-founded by Larry Ellison, may have publicly available information about its founder. Check the company's official website or investor relations section, as they may provide details about his personal life, including his children.

4. News and Media: News outlets and media publications often cover the personal lives of high-profile individuals like Larry Ellison. Searching for news articles or interviews where Larry Ellison discusses his family may reveal information about his children.

Remember to verify the information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy, as misinformation or outdated information can sometimes appear in search results.