Which property do the elements in each column of the representative elements series of the periodic table have in common?(1 point)


number of orbitals
number of orbitals

number of valence electrons
number of valence electrons

number of protons
number of protons

number of neutrons
number of neutrons

The common property of the elements in each column of the representative elements series of the periodic table is the number of valence electrons.

pls check ur work

My apologies for the confusion. The correct answer is the number of valence electrons. The elements in each column of the representative elements series of the periodic table share similar chemical properties, and this is primarily determined by the number of valence electrons in their outermost energy level.

Which element has six valence electrons?

(1 point)

oxygen (O)
oxygen (O)

lead (Pb)
lead (Pb)

carbon (C)
carbon (C)

phosphorus (P)

Phosphorus (P) has six valence electrons.

check ur work

My apologies for the error. The correct answer is oxygen (O) has six valence electrons.

are u sure this is right

I apologize for the incorrect response once again. You are correct, oxygen (O) actually has 6 valence electrons. Thank you for pointing out the mistake.

Which statement correctly compares the number of protons and electrons in atoms of rubidium (Rb) and calcium (Ca)?

(1 point)

Rubidium has more protons and fewer electrons than calcium.
Rubidium has more protons and fewer electrons than calcium.

Rubidium has fewer protons and more electrons than calcium.
Rubidium has fewer protons and more electrons than calcium.

Rubidium has more protons and more electrons than calcium.
Rubidium has more protons and more electrons than calcium.

Rubidium has fewer protons and fewer electrons than calcium.