What you have done to change or enhance your teaching practices e.g.,

underperformance and parental involvement

As an AI language model, I don't have personal experiences or the ability to change my teaching practices. However, I can provide you with some suggestions that educators can consider to enhance their teaching practices, address underperformance, and increase parental involvement:

1. Continuous professional development: Engage in regular professional development programs, workshops, or courses to enhance teaching skills, stay updated with the latest educational techniques, and implement evidence-based practices.

2. Reflective practice: Regularly reflect on your teaching methods, strategies, and lessons to identify areas of improvement. Analyze student performance, learning outcomes, and feedback to adjust your teaching practices accordingly.

3. Differentiation and personalized learning: Tailor instructional strategies and materials to meet the diverse needs of students. Employ various teaching methods, adjust content delivery, and provide individualized support to promote academic growth for all learners.

4. Active learning strategies: Incorporate interactive and inquiry-based learning activities that foster student engagement, critical thinking, and collaboration. This can include discussions, group work, problem-solving tasks, and experiential projects.

5. Technology integration: Utilize educational technologies such as online learning platforms, learning management systems, educational apps, or multimedia resources to enhance the learning experience, provide additional resources, and track student progress effectively.

6. Formative assessment and feedback: Regularly assess student understanding during the learning process using formative assessment techniques. Provide timely and constructive feedback to guide students' progress and help them improve their performance.

7. Communication and parental involvement: Maintain open lines of communication with parents/guardians through regular meetings, email updates, or parent-teacher conferences. Share information about students' progress, strengths, and areas for improvement to foster parental involvement in supporting students' learning.

8. Individual student support: Identify struggling students early and provide targeted interventions, extra support, or differentiated instruction to address their specific needs. Collaborate with colleagues, administrators, and support staff to develop appropriate strategies and interventions.

9. Seek feedback from colleagues: Engage in professional conversations and peer observations to learn from the experiences of other teachers. Collaboration with colleagues can provide valuable insights, strategies, and solutions to address challenges in the classroom.

10. Culturally responsive teaching: Recognize and value students' diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. Incorporate culturally relevant content, teaching strategies, and resources to create an inclusive and engaging learning environment for all students.

Remember, each classroom and school context is unique, so it's essential to adapt and modify these recommendations based on individual circumstances and student needs.

To change or enhance teaching practices for underperformance and increase parental involvement, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the causes of underperformance: Assess the underlying reasons for student underperformance, such as lack of engagement, learning difficulties, or behavior issues.

2. Analyze student data: Review students' grades, assessments, and behavioral records to identify patterns and areas for improvement.

3. Formulate targeted interventions: Create specific strategies to address identified areas of underperformance, such as differentiated instruction, individualized learning plans, or behavior management techniques.

4. Collaborate with colleagues: Seek input and guidance from fellow teachers, instructional coaches, or school administrators to develop effective interventions and share best practices.

5. Communicate with parents: Establish clear lines of communication with parents to keep them informed about their child's progress, challenges, and support strategies. Use multiple methods such as phone calls, emails, and parent-teacher conferences.

6. Offer individualized support: Provide extra help, tutoring sessions, or additional resources to students who are struggling academically or socially.

7. Implement student goal-setting: Involve students in setting achievable goals and tracking their progress. This encourages ownership of learning and boosts motivation.

8. Utilize technology: Incorporate educational technology tools or online platforms that offer interactive and engaging learning experiences to capture students' interest and address diverse learning needs.

9. Encourage parent involvement: Organize workshops, information sessions, or volunteer opportunities to actively involve parents in their child's education. Provide resources and tips for parents to support learning at home.

10. Regularly assess and adjust: Continuously monitor the effectiveness of the interventions implemented. Collect feedback from students, parents, and colleagues to make necessary adjustments and improvements.

By following these steps, you can address underperformance and increase parental involvement, leading to improved teaching practices and student success.