Yesterday, Sarah spent 3512minutes studying for a test. Emma spent 112times that amount studying for a different test. How many minutes did Emma spend studying?(1 point)


53 1/4minutes
53 and 1 fourthminutes

49 1/2minutes
49 and 1 halfminutes

73 1/4minutes
73 and 1 fourthminutes

93 1/2minutes
93 and 1 halfminutes

71 minutes

To find how many minutes Emma spent studying, we need to multiply Sarah's study time by 112.

3512 minutes * 112 = <<3512*112=393344>>393,344 minutes

Therefore, Emma spent 393,344 minutes studying.

To find out how many minutes Emma spent studying, we need to multiply 3512 minutes by 112.

3512 minutes * 112 = 393,344 minutes

Therefore, Emma spent a total of 393,344 minutes studying.