Large size suitcases are fitted with wheels. Why?

Large size suitcases are fitted with wheels to make it easier for travelers to transport their luggage. By incorporating wheels into the design of the suitcase, individuals can simply pull the suitcase behind them using the telescopic handle without having to carry the entire weight of the luggage. This feature adds convenience and reduces the physical strain on the traveler, especially when navigating through crowded airports or busy streets. Additionally, the wheels enable smoother movements and offer better maneuverability, making it possible to easily transport heavy luggage over various surfaces.

Large size suitcases are fitted with wheels to provide convenience and ease of transportation for travelers. Here are the reasons why:

1. Mobility: The wheels allow the suitcase to be easily rolled or dragged alongside the traveler, reducing the need to carry or lift heavy loads. This is especially beneficial when navigating through crowded airports, train stations, or hotels.

2. Weight Distribution: By placing the weight of the suitcase on the wheels, it becomes much easier to maneuver and control, making it less physically demanding for the traveler. This is particularly useful if the suitcase is heavy or contains fragile items.

3. Efficiency: Wheeled suitcases enable travelers to move at a faster pace and cover longer distances without exerting excessive effort. This saves time and energy, especially during long journeys or layovers.

4. Versatility: The wheels on suitcases typically rotate 360 degrees, allowing for smooth and easy navigation in any direction. This ensures that the suitcase can easily maneuver through narrow spaces, tight corners, or uneven surfaces.

5. Health Benefits: Using wheeled suitcases can reduce the likelihood of strain or injury, as travelers do not need to bear the full weight of their luggage on their backs or shoulders. This is beneficial for individuals with physical limitations or those who want to minimize the risk of muscle fatigue or accidents.

Overall, the inclusion of wheels on large size suitcases leads to a more comfortable, convenient, and efficient travel experience for individuals transporting their belongings.