The Toyota Prius, a hybrid electric vehicle, has an EPA gas mileage rating of 52 mi/gal in the city. How many kilometers can the Prius travel on 16 liters of gasoline? using two significant figures.

To convert liters to gallons, we can use the conversion factor 1 liter = 0.264172 gallons.

First, we calculate the number of gallons of gasoline the Prius can travel on 16 liters:
16 liters * 0.264172 gallons/liter = 4.226752 gallons

Next, we can calculate the distance the Prius can travel using the EPA gas mileage rating of 52 mi/gal:
4.226752 gallons * 52 mi/gal = 219.946304 miles

Finally, to convert miles to kilometers, we use the conversion factor 1 mile = 1.60934 kilometers:
219.946304 miles * 1.60934 kilometers/mile ≈ 354.19 kilometers

Therefore, the Prius can travel approximately 354.19 kilometers on 16 liters of gasoline.

To find out how many kilometers the Prius can travel on 16 liters of gasoline, we first need to convert 16 liters to gallons.

There are approximately 3.78541 liters in 1 gallon, so we can calculate the number of gallons as follows:

16 liters * (1 gallon / 3.78541 liters) ≈ 4.229 gallon

Now, we can use the given EPA gas mileage rating of 52 mi/gal in the city to find out the total distance the Prius can travel.

Distance = Gas mileage rating * Number of gallons

Distance = 52 mi/gal * 4.229 gallon

Distance ≈ 219.908 mi

Finally, let's convert this distance from miles to kilometers.

There are approximately 1.60934 kilometers in 1 mile, so we can calculate the number of kilometers as follows:

219.908 mi * (1.60934 km / 1 mi) ≈ 353.800 km

Therefore, the Toyota Prius can travel approximately 353.800 kilometers on 16 liters of gasoline.