Use the table at the right. How long will the jet take to travel 4620 ​mi?

Passenger Jet Travel

​Hours, h 1 2 3 4

​Miles, m 420 840 1260 1680

The jet will take______hours to travel 4620 mi.

To find the answer, we need to look for the number of miles closest to 4620 in the table. We can see that the closest number of miles in the table is 4200 at 4 hours. Therefore, the jet will take 4 hours to travel 4620 miles.


I apologize for the incorrect answer. Let me recalculate.

Looking at the table, we can see that the jet takes 1 hour to travel 420 miles, 2 hours to travel 840 miles, 3 hours to travel 1260 miles, and 4 hours to travel 1680 miles.

To find how long the jet will take to travel 4620 miles, we need to determine which range it falls into.

420 miles is closer to 0 than to 4620, 840 miles is closer to 0 than to 4620, 1260 miles is closer to 4620 than to 0, and 1680 miles is closer to 4620 than to 0.

Therefore, the jet will take 3 hours to travel 4620 miles.

To find out how long the jet will take to travel 4620 mi, we need to look for the value of "hours" in the table where the "miles" is closest to or just below 4620 mi.

Looking at the table, we can see that the "miles" increase in increments of 420 mi each hour. Therefore, we know that for every 420 mi increase in distance, the time increases by 1 hour.

Since 4620 mi is greater than 420 mi but less than 1260 mi, we can conclude that it will take more than 1 hour but less than 3 hours for the jet to travel 4620 mi.

Let's calculate the exact time:

Using interpolation, we can determine the difference between the nearest two "miles" values in the table:

Difference = Next "miles" - Previous "miles"
Difference = 1260 mi - 840 mi
Difference = 420 mi

Next, we calculate the proportion of the difference between the desired distance (4620 mi) and the difference found above:

Proportion = (Desired distance - Previous "miles") / Difference
Proportion = (4620 mi - 420 mi) / 420 mi
Proportion = 4200 mi / 420 mi
Proportion = 10

Since the proportion is 10, it means that the desired distance is 10 times the difference between the previous "miles" and the next "miles".

Finally, we add the proportion to the previous "hours" value to find the estimated time:

Estimated time = Previous "hours" + Proportion
Estimated time = 3 hours + 10
Estimated time = 13 hours

Therefore, the jet will take approximately 13 hours to travel 4620 mi.