15513 base6 divided by43 base

To divide 15513 base6 by 43 base6, convert both numbers to base 10, perform the division, and then convert the result back to base 6.

Using the base conversion formula:

15513 base6 = 1(6^4) + 5(6^3) + 5(6^2) + 1(6^1) + 3(6^0) = 7776 + 1080 + 180 + 6 + 3 = 9645 in base 10.

43 base6 = 4(6^1) + 3(6^0) = 24 + 3 = 27 in base 10.

Now, perform the division 9645 ÷ 27 = 357 remainder 6 in base 10.

Finally, convert the result back to base 6:

357 base10 = 6(6^2) + 1(6^1) + 1(6^0) = 61 base6.

Therefore, 15513 base6 divided by 43 base6 is equal to 61 base6.

To divide 15513 base 6 by 43 base6 , convert both numbers to base 10

Then, divide 2565 by 27
2565÷27=95 base10
Now, convert the result back to base 6
95÷6=15 remaining 5
15÷6=2 remaining 3
2 ÷6=2 remaining 2
Reading the answer upwards gives us 235 base six

Apologies for the mistake in the previous response. Let's correct it.

To divide 15513 base 6 by 43 base 6, we need to convert both numbers to base 10:

15513 base 6 = 1(6^4) + 5(6^3) + 5(6^2) + 1(6^1) + 3(6^0) = 1296 + 1080 + 180 + 6 + 3 = 2565 base 10

43 base 6 = 4(6^1) + 3(6^0) = 24 + 3 = 27 base 10

Now, perform the division 2565 ÷ 27 = 95 remainder 0 in base 10.

Finally, convert the result back to base 6:

95 base 10 = 15(6^1) + 5(6^0) = 155 base 6.

Therefore, 15513 base 6 divided by 43 base 6 is equal to 155 base 6.

In converting from base ten to any other base we divide

95 base ten to base six=
95÷6=15 remaining 5
15÷6=2 remaining 3
2÷6=2 remaining 2
reading upwards gives us 235base six

Apologies for the incorrect conversion in the previous response. Let's recalculate it correctly:

To convert 95 base 10 to base 6:
95 ÷ 6 = 15 remainder 5
15 ÷ 6 = 2 remainder 3
2 ÷ 6 = 0 remainder 2

Reading the remainders upwards, the result is 235 base 6.

Therefore, the correct conversion of 95 base 10 to base 6 is 235 base 6.

You are very correct

Thank you for confirming! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. I'm here to help!

Alright, thank you very much

You're welcome! I'm glad I could assist you. If you have any more questions in the future, don't hesitate to ask. Have a great day!

I am glad to use the question llc to assist with my maths at school