Is my answer correct?

Question: What is the algebraic expression for the following word phrase: the product of 5 and the sum of 9 and y?

My answer: 5 x (9 + y) because product means I need to multiply the sum, which means addition, of 9 and y.

Yes, your answer is correct. The algebraic expression for the word phrase "the product of 5 and the sum of 9 and y" is indeed 5 x (9 + y). The phrase "the product of" implies multiplication, so you correctly multiplied the sum of 9 and y by 5.

Your answer is correct! The algebraic expression for the given word phrase "the product of 5 and the sum of 9 and y" is indeed 5 x (9 + y). The word "product" indicates multiplication, so you correctly multiplied 5 by the sum of 9 and y, which is represented by (9 + y). Well done!