Lake profondo has a depth of 84 feet. Lake say Grando is 5/6, as deep. What is the elevation of the bottom of a lake C grande

To find the depth of Lake C grande, we need to multiply the depth of Lake profondo by 5/6.

Depth of Lake C grande = (5/6) * 84 feet
Depth of Lake C grande = 70 feet

Therefore, the elevation of the bottom of Lake C grande is 70 feet.

To find the elevation of the bottom of Lake C Grande, we need to calculate the depth of Lake C Grande first.

Given that Lake Profondo has a depth of 84 feet, and Lake C Grande is 5/6 as deep, we can calculate the depth of Lake C Grande as follows:

Depth of Lake C Grande = (5/6) * Depth of Lake Profondo
= (5/6) * 84 feet
= 70 feet

Therefore, the elevation of the bottom of Lake C Grande would be 70 feet.