what is the coup de theatre in an inspector calls?

The "coup de théâtre" in An Inspector Calls refers to the dramatic revelation towards the end of the play. It occurs when the audience discovers that the mysterious inspector was not a real police inspector but a figment of the characters' imagination. The inspector's purpose was to shake their conscience and make them realize their collective responsibility for the death of Eva Smith. This twist ending serves as a powerful and unexpected moment, intensifying the dramatic impact of the play and exposing the selfishness and callousness of the characters.

The "coup de théâtre" in the play "An Inspector Calls" by J.B. Priestley occurs in Act Three. It is a moment of shocking revelation that completely changes the direction of the narrative. In this case, the coup de théâtre is the revelation that the mysterious Inspector Goole is not actually a police inspector but rather a fake. This revelation undermines the validity of the events that took place earlier in the play and causes the characters to question their own actions and responsibilities.