Reaction 1: Was this a chemical or physical reaction? How do you know?

2 points
It is a chemical change because there are small bubbles forming
Reaction 2: Was this a chemical or physical reaction? How do you know?
2 points
It is also a chemical change because bubbles are forming
Reaction 3: Was this a chemical or physical reaction? How do you know?
2 points
It is a physical change because there are no bubbles or change in color
Write a detailed "IF -THEN" hypothesis statement for ONE of the experiments above.

If baking soda is mixed with vinegar, then bubbles will form because it is a chemical reaction between the baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and vinegar (acetic acid), resulting in the production of carbon dioxide gas.

If a substance is heated on a flame, then it will undergo a chemical reaction because the formation of small bubbles indicates the release of gases, which is a characteristic of chemical changes.