What is average (middle) in amount, intensity, quality, or degree?





Average (middle) in amount, intensity, quality, or degree: Moderate

1. Average (middle): Average refers to the middle point between extremes, usually in terms of amount, intensity, quality, or degree. It represents the typical or typical value within a range of values. For example, if you have the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, the average of these numbers would be 3.

2. Reverse: Reverse means to change the direction or order of something so that it faces or points in the opposite way. It implies a complete turnaround or flipping of the original state or position. For instance, if you reverse the order of a sequence, the last element becomes the first, and the first becomes the last.

3. Biome: A biome refers to a distinct biological community or ecosystem that is defined by its unique set of plant and animal species, as well as its specific climate and geographical characteristics. Examples of biomes include the tropical rainforest, desert, savannah, tundra, and aquatic ecosystems like coral reefs and freshwater lakes.

4. Moderate: Moderate means to keep within reasonable limits or to avoid extremes. It refers to maintaining a balanced or intermediate position between two or more extremes in terms of actions, opinions, or attitudes. For example, a moderate climate would be one that is neither too hot nor too cold.

5. Tropics: The tropics, also known as the tropical zone or tropical region, refer to the geographic area situated around the Earth's equator. It is characterized by warm temperatures year-round and receives a higher amount of sunlight compared to other regions. The tropics are typically known for their lush vegetation, diverse wildlife, and distinct climate patterns. Examples of countries located in the tropics include Brazil, Indonesia, and Kenya.