Use the information to answer the questions 6 and 7. Jenny solved the equation 1-(2x+4) = -4x +5. Her work is showen.


1,What mistake did she make?

2. What is the correct answer? show your work.

1. The mistake Jenny made is in the third line where she simplified 1-2x+4x+5 to S-2x=4x+5. It should be 1-2x+4x+5=0.

2. To find the correct answer, we need to solve the simplified equation correctly. Starting from the simplification made by Jenny:
1-2x+4x+5 = 0
(1+5) + (4x-2x) = 0
6 + 2x = 0
Subtract 6 from both sides:
2x = -6
Divide by 2 on both sides to isolate x:
2x/2 = -6/2
x = -3

So, the correct answer is x = -3.

1. It seems like Jenny made a mistake when simplifying the equation 1 - (2x + 4).

2. To find the correct answer, we need to carefully simplify the equation step by step. Let's go through each step together:

1 - (2x + 4) = 4x + 5

First, we distribute the negative sign to both terms inside the parentheses:

1 - 2x - 4 = 4x + 5

Next, we combine like terms on both sides of the equation:

-3 - 2x = 4x + 5

To isolate the variable, we want all the x terms on one side and all the constant terms on the other side. Let's subtract 4x from both sides:

-3 - 2x - 4x = 4x - 4x + 5
-3 - 6x = 5

To further isolate the variable, we need to get rid of the constant term on the left side. Let's add 3 to both sides:

-3 + 3 - 6x = 5 + 3
-6x = 8

Lastly, to solve for x, we divide both sides by -6:

(-6x) / -6 = 8 / -6
x = -8/6

Simplifying this answer further, we get x = -4/3 or approximately -1.33.