A student uses a diagram to show the scale sizes of the planets. Which planet’s diameter would be approximately the distance across the United States?(1 point)







To determine which planet's diameter would be approximately the distance across the United States, we need to compare the sizes of the planets to the distance across the United States. The distance across the United States is approximately 2,800 miles.

The approximate diameters of the planets are:
- Uranus: 31,516 miles
- Jupiter: 86,881 miles
- Mercury: 3,032 miles
- Neptune: 30,781 miles

Based on these measurements, the planet whose diameter is closest to the distance across the United States is Mercury, which has a diameter of approximately 3,032 miles. Therefore, Mercury's diameter would be approximately the distance across the United States.

so which one Mercury or Jupiter

To determine which planet's diameter would be approximately the distance across the United States, we need to find the diameter of each planet and compare it to the distance across the United States.

1. Uranus: The diameter of Uranus is approximately 31,518 miles.
2. Jupiter: The diameter of Jupiter is approximately 86,881 miles.
3. Mercury: The diameter of Mercury is approximately 3,032 miles.
4. Neptune: The diameter of Neptune is approximately 30,599 miles.

Now, let's compare the diameter of each planet to the distance across the United States. The distance across the United States from the east coast (New York) to the west coast (California) is approximately 2,800 miles.

Comparing the distances:
- Uranus: Uranus is much larger than the distance across the United States, so it is not the answer.
- Jupiter: Jupiter is also much larger than the distance across the United States.
- Mercury: Mercury's diameter is smaller than the distance across the United States, so it is not the answer.
- Neptune: Neptune's diameter is also larger than the distance across the United States.

Based on this comparison, the planet whose diameter would be approximately the distance across the United States is Mercury, as it is the closest in size to the given distance.