What different impacts did Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto have on Europe than it had on other parts of the world? (1 point)

A.The Egyptians wanted to establish their own bourgeoisie and built the Suez Canal

B.The "bourgeoisie" was interpreted to be the Western impenalizing nations, such as England and the US.

C.China decided that a slow communist revolution with piecemeal legislation was key, rather than opting for an authoritarian govemment.

D. Russian citizens decided they did not identify with the class warfare mentioned by Karl Marx.

The Communist Manifesto had a different impact on Europe compared to other parts of the world. One possible impact is that the bourgeoisie was interpreted as the Western imperializing nations, such as England and the US.

The correct answer is B. The "bourgeoisie" was interpreted to be the Western imperializing nations, such as England and the US.

Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto had different impacts on Europe compared to other parts of the world. In Europe, particularly in Western Europe, Marx's ideas influenced the rise of socialist and communist movements. The working class in countries like Germany, France, and Britain organized themselves to demand better working conditions, higher wages, and more rights. These movements eventually led to the formation of socialist and communist parties, and in some cases, the establishment of socialist governments.

On the other hand, in other parts of the world, the impact of the Communist Manifesto varied. In countries like China and Russia, Marx's ideas were later adapted to suit their local contexts. In China, under the leadership of Mao Zedong, a slow communist revolution with piecemeal legislation was pursued instead of an immediate and abrupt transformation. In Russia, the ideas of Marx were instrumental in the formation of the Bolshevik Party and the subsequent Russian Revolution, which led to the establishment of a communist government.

It is important to note that not all regions or countries embraced Marx's ideas in the same way. For example, in Egypt, where the Suez Canal was built, the impact of the Communist Manifesto was not directly related to the bourgeoisie, as mentioned in option A. Similarly, option D, which suggests that Russian citizens did not identify with class warfare, is not an accurate representation of the impact the Communist Manifesto had on Russia.