Calculate 6.25×10^6−4.73×10^6. Express your answer in scientific notation to 2 decimal places.

6.25×10^6−4.73×10^6 can be calculated as 6.25×10^6 - 4.73×10^6 = 1.52×10^6.

The average distance from Earth to Mars is 2.25×108 km, and the distance from Earth to Neptune is 4.3514×109 km. How much farther is Neptune from Earth than Mars? Express your answer in scientific notation. Do not round your answer.(1 point)


To subtract 4.73×10^6 from 6.25×10^6, we can subtract the coefficients and keep the same exponent.

6.25×10^6 - 4.73×10^6 = 1.52×10^6

Therefore, the answer in scientific notation to 2 decimal places is 1.52×10^6.

To calculate (6.25×10^6) - (4.73×10^6), we need to subtract the coefficients while keeping the same power of 10.

Step 1: Subtract the coefficients:
6.25 - 4.73 = 1.52

Step 2: Keep the power of 10 the same:
Since both numbers have a power of 10^6, the result will also have a power of 10^6.

Step 3: Express the answer in scientific notation with 2 decimal places:
1.52 can be written as 1.52×10^6 in scientific notation.

Therefore, the answer is 1.52×10^6.