Show the similarity between a triangle with angles A, B, and C, where m∠A=47° and m∠B=36°, and another triangle with angles G, H, and J, where m∠G=36° and m∠J=97°.(1 point)





The similarity between the two triangles can be shown by stating that △ABC is similar to △HGJ. So the correct answer is 2. △ABC ∼ △HGJ.

To determine the similarity between the two triangles, we need to compare the corresponding angles.

In the first triangle, we are given that m∠A = 47° and m∠B = 36°.
In the second triangle, we are given that m∠G = 36° and m∠J = 97°.

Based on these angle measurements, we can conclude that the triangles △ABC and △GJH are similar, option 3.