hat are some mental effects from using marijuana?

(1 point)




feeling run down

feeling run down


memory impairment
memory impairment

decreased motivation
decreased motivation

impaired coordination and motor skills
impaired coordination and motor skills

so whats the answer?

The mental effects of using marijuana can include confusion, depression, paranoia, feeling run down, anxiety, memory impairment, decreased motivation, and impaired coordination and motor skills.

Using marijuana can have various mental effects, including:

1. Confusion: Marijuana use can cause temporary confusion or disorientation, making it difficult to concentrate or think clearly.

2. Depression: Some individuals may experience feelings of sadness or low mood after using marijuana, particularly in larger amounts or for extended periods.

3. Paranoia: Marijuana can sometimes induce feelings of paranoia, causing individuals to become excessively suspicious or fearful.

4. Feeling run down: Marijuana use can lead to a lack of motivation or energy, making individuals feel tired or lethargic.

It's important to note that the effects can vary from person to person, and factors like dosage, frequency of use, and individual susceptibility can also influence the mental effects experienced. Additionally, long-term or heavy marijuana use may have more pronounced effects on mental health. It's always advisable to seek professional help if you are concerned about your mental well-being or the impact of marijuana use on your mental health.