Lynn had overdrawn her checking account 3 days in a row after the balance reached $0. Each day she took out $15 without realizing what had happened. Which of the following would appear on a bank statement representing the amount currently in her account since she spent more than she had?

1 point

The correct answer would be -$45.00. This represents the amount that Lynn has overdrawn from her account due to spending more than she had.

Which of the following cannot be used to describe -144 divided by -12?

1 point
rational number
whole number

The correct answer is "whole number." -144 divided by -12 is equal to 12, which is a positive whole number.

Which list of places requires semicolons instead of commas?(1 point)


Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, Peru, and Bolivia
Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, Peru, and Bolivia

Sacramento, California, Denver, Colorado, Phoenix, Arizona, and Santa Fe, New Mexico
Sacramento, California, Denver, Colorado, Phoenix, Arizona, and Santa Fe, New Mexico

Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia
Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia

North Dakota, South Dakota, North Carolina, South Carolina, and West Virginia

The correct answer is:

Sacramento, California; Denver, Colorado; Phoenix, Arizona; and Santa Fe, New Mexico

To determine the amount currently in Lynn's account, we need to consider the number of times she overdrawn her account and the amount she withdrew each day.

Since Lynn overdrew her account for 3 days in a row, and she withdrew $15 each day, the total amount she spent that she did not have is 3 * $15 = $45.

Therefore, the correct option representing the amount currently in her account is -$45.00.

To find the amount that would appear on Lynn's bank statement representing the current balance in her account, we need to calculate the total amount she spent for the three days.

Since she overdrawn her account with $15 each day for 3 days, the total amount she spent is $15 × 3 = $45.

However, she spent more than she had, so the amount that would appear on her bank statement would include the overdraft fee. An overdraft fee is often charged by banks when an account goes into negative balance.

Let's assume the overdraft fee is $10.

Therefore, the total amount that would appear on Lynn's bank statement is $45 (spending) + $10 (overdraft fee) = $55.

Since the question asks for the amount that would APPEAR on the bank statement, the correct answer would be -$55.

None of the given answer choices match the correct answer.