
measure of angle 3 equals 37. Find measure of angle 1.
A pair of intersecting lines is shown. Angle 1 is above the point of intersection. Angle 2 is right of the point of intersection. Angle 3 is below the point of intersection. Angle 4 is left of the point of intersection.
(1 point)





The measure of angle 1 can be found by using the Vertical Angles Theorem. According to this theorem, when two lines intersect, the vertical angles formed are congruent. Since angle 3 measures 37 degrees, angle 1 must also measure 37 degrees. Therefore, the correct answer is 37.

To find the measure of angle 1, we need to use the fact that angles on a straight line add up to 180 degrees. In this case, angle 1 and angle 3 are on opposite sides of the line, so their measures also add up to 180 degrees.

Since angle 3 is given as 37 degrees, we can subtract that from 180 to find angle 1:

180 - 37 = 143

Therefore, the measure of angle 1 is 143 degrees.