Invertebrate synonyms

1. Bug

2. Insect
3. Arthropod
4. Creepy-crawly
5. Worm
6. Gastropod
7. Cnidarian
8. Crustacean
9. Mollusk
10. Arachnid

Invertebrate is a term used to describe animals that lack a backbone or a vertebral column. Here are some synonyms for invertebrate:

1. Non-vertebrate
2. spineless
3. Unsegmented
4. Arthropod
5. Mollusk
6. Worm
7. Cnidarian
8. Echinoderm
9. Crustacean
10. Arachnid
11. Gastropod
12. Annelid

It's important to note that while there are various groups of invertebrates, each with their own unique characteristics, not all of the above terms are interchangeable. Some terms represent specific groups or classes within the broader category of invertebrates.