Raina is recording the percentages she earned on each quiz in her math class. Here are her results for the last

Find the range of the data set.

To find the range of the data set, we need to find the difference between the maximum and minimum values.

The maximum value is 94 and the minimum value is 68.

Range = Maximum value - Minimum value

Range = 94 - 68

Range = 26

Therefore, the range of the data set is 26.

To find the range of a data set, we need to find the difference between the maximum and minimum values.

First, let's arrange the data set in ascending order:

68, 73, 82, 86, 89, 89, 94

The minimum value is 68, and the maximum value is 94.

To find the range, we subtract the minimum value from the maximum value:

Range = Maximum value - Minimum value
Range = 94 - 68
Range = 26

Therefore, the range of the data set is 26.