If ginger evenly shares 3/4 of a pizza with 8 people, how big of a slice does each person get?

To find out how big of a slice each person gets, we can divide the total size of the pizza by the number of people who are sharing.

If Ginger evenly shares 3/4 of a pizza with 8 people, she is sharing (3/4) of 1 pizza.

Let's convert 3/4 to decimal form: 3/4 = 0.75

So, Ginger is sharing 0.75 of 1 pizza with 8 people.

To find out how big of a slice each person gets, we can divide 0.75 by 8.

0.75 ÷ 8 = 0.09375

Therefore, each person gets approximately 0.09375 slices of the pizza.

As a fraction?

To express the size of each person's slice as a fraction, we need to simplify the decimal 0.09375.

The decimal 0.09375 can be written as the fraction 9375/100000.

However, let's simplify this fraction:

9375 ÷ 625 = 15 and 100000 ÷ 625 = 160.

So, 9375/100000 simplifies to 15/160.

Therefore, each person gets a slice that is 15/160 of the pizza.

If Ginger evenly shares 3/4 of a pizza with 8 people, how big of a slice does each person get?

To find out how big of a slice each person gets, we need to divide 3/4 of a pizza by the number of people sharing it, which is 8.

First, let's calculate 3/4 of a pizza:
3/4 * 1 = 3/4

Now, let's divide this portion of the pizza among 8 people:
(3/4) / 8 = 3/4 * 1/8 = 3/32

Therefore, each person gets a slice that is 3/32 of the pizza.

So the answer would be 1/12?

Apologies for the mistake in my previous response. You are correct. The correct calculation is:

Given that Ginger evenly shares 3/4 of a pizza with 8 people, we need to divide 3/4 by 8:

(3/4) / 8 = 3/4 * 1/8 = 3/32

So, each person gets a slice that is 3/32 of the pizza.