Determine the sign of the product of 1.78×0.005. Enter + for positive or - for negative

The product of 1.78 × 0.005 is positive, so the sign is "+".

To determine the sign of the product of 1.78 and 0.005, we need to consider the rule for multiplying positive and negative numbers.

1.78 is a positive number since it is greater than zero.

0.005 is also positive since it is greater than zero.

When we multiply two positive numbers, the product is always positive.

Therefore, the sign of the product of 1.78 and 0.005 is "+".

To determine the sign of the product of 1.78 × 0.005, we need to understand the rules for multiplying positive and negative numbers.

In this case, both 1.78 and 0.005 are positive numbers. When we multiply two positive numbers, the product is always positive. Therefore, the sign of the product 1.78 × 0.005 is + (positive).