in math question they give u equation and syas that t= time quals 0.5minutes displacment to veloctiy

so i have ater turning into velcotiy do i need to use 0,5 inues or turn that in to seconds becasue veolcity is m/s

In order to use the correct units for velocity (m/s), you need to ensure that your time is also in seconds. Since the given time is in minutes (0.5 minutes), you should convert it into seconds.

Since there are 60 seconds in a minute, you can multiply the given time by 60 to convert it into seconds:

0.5 minutes * 60 seconds/minute = 30 seconds

So, after converting 0.5 minutes to seconds, you would use 30 seconds as the value for time in the equation.

In order to convert the time from minutes to seconds, you should multiply it by 60 since there are 60 seconds in a minute.

So, if the given time is 0.5 minutes, you would multiply 0.5 by 60 to get the time in seconds. This gives you a time of 30 seconds.

Therefore, when calculating velocity, you should use 30 seconds as the value for time since velocity is typically measured in meters per second (m/s).