round 95,917,134 to the nearest given place value.

a. hundreds thousands
b. ten thousands

a. 96,000,000

b. 95,920,000
c. 95,917,000
d. 95,917,100

How to solve 38 × 42

To solve 38 × 42, you can use the standard multiplication method:

3 8 (first number, 38)
× 4 2 (second number, 42)
7 6 (8 × 2)
+ 1 5 (3 × 42)
1,596 (the final product)

So, 38 × 42 = 1,596.

How to solve 63 × 71

To solve 63 × 71, you can use the standard multiplication method:

6 3 (first number, 63)
× 7 1 (second number, 71)
4 5 3 (3 × 1)
+ 3 1 5 (6 × 71)
4,473 (the final product)

So, 63 × 71 = 4,473.

To round 95,917,134 to the nearest given place value:

a. Nearest hundreds thousands: Since the digit to the immediate right of the hundreds thousands place is 9, which is greater than or equal to 5, we round up. Therefore, the rounded number is 96,000,000.

b. Nearest ten thousands: Since the digit to the immediate right of the ten thousands place is 1, which is less than 5, we round down. Therefore, the rounded number is 90,000,000.

c. Nearest thousands: Since the digit to the immediate right of the thousands place is 3, which is less than 5, we round down. Therefore, the rounded number is 95,000,000.

d. Nearest hundreds: Since the digit to the immediate right of the hundreds place is 1, which is less than 5, we round down. Therefore, the rounded number is 95,900,000.

To round a number to the nearest given place value, you need to look at the digit to the right of that place value. Let's analyze each option:

a. Hundreds thousands:
The digit in the hundreds thousands place is 5. The digit to the right of the hundreds thousands place is 1. If the digit to the right is 5 or greater, you round up by increasing the digit in the hundreds thousands place by 1. Therefore, rounding 95,917,134 to the nearest hundreds thousands would give us 96,000,000.

b. Ten thousands:
The digit in the ten thousands place is 9. The digit to the right of the ten thousands place is 1. Following the rounding rule stated before, if the digit to the right is 5 or greater, you round up by increasing the digit in the ten thousands place by 1. Hence, rounding 95,917,134 to the nearest ten thousands would result in 95,920,000.

c. Thousands:
The digit in the thousands place is 1. The digit to the right of the thousands place is 3. Since 3 is less than 5, you round down, which means the digit in the thousands place remains the same. Therefore, rounding 95,917,134 to the nearest thousands would yield 95,917,000.

d. Hundreds:
The digit in the hundreds place is 7. The digit to the right of the hundreds place is 1. As mentioned earlier, when the digit to the right is 5 or greater, you increase the digit in the hundreds place by 1. Thus, rounding 95,917,134 to the nearest hundreds would give us 95,917,200.

In conclusion, rounding 95,917,134 to the nearest place value would be as follows:
a. Hundreds thousands: 96,000,000
b. Ten thousands: 95,920,000
c. Thousands: 95,917,000
d. Hundreds: 95,917,200