How did the zhou dynasty come to rule a large part of China

But establishing a wide trading Network
As a result of elections among feudal warlords
Because no other family sought to rule China
Through military defeat of the previous rulers

The Zhou dynasty came to rule a large part of China through military defeat of the previous rulers, the Shang dynasty. The Zhou dynasty's military forces overpowered the Shang rulers, allowing them to establish their own rule. This military conquest led to the Zhou dynasty becoming the new ruling power in China.

The Zhou dynasty came to rule a large part of China through a combination of factors. Firstly, establishing a wide trading network played a significant role. The Zhou rulers actively engaged in trade with neighboring states and managed to establish economic and diplomatic relationships, allowing for increased influence and control over different regions.

Additionally, the Zhou dynasty's rise to power was not a result of elections among feudal warlords. Instead, their authority was based on a system of loyalty and feudalism, where the Zhou kings granted land and power to feudal lords in exchange for their loyalty and military support. This system helped to consolidate their rule and expand their control over a large part of China.

It is also worth noting that no other family actively sought to rule China during this time, which in turn favored the Zhou's ascension to power. The Shang dynasty, the ruling dynasty before the Zhou, faced military defeats and internal turmoil, creating an opportunity for the Zhou rulers to assert their authority through military conquest. They successfully defeated the Shang dynasty in battle and thus established their own dynasty.

In summary, the Zhou dynasty came to rule a large part of China by establishing a wide trading network, relying on feudalism and loyalty from feudal lords, and through military defeat of the previous rulers.